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Martes, Oktubre 18, 2011


Money changes everything
even it is a simple thing
but why it is so powerful,that can change all
Your friendship
a kind of strong relationship
but in a blink of an eye
everything happened and change
Now you are eternal enemy
just like a two country
  fighting for there own territory
Money is like a huge monster
that makes innocent suffer.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 5, 2011


     Again a big calamity strikes our country with a huge and different impact in the other. But the question remains unaswered ARE WE PREPARED?

     Every year a lot of strong typhoons visit us but our government always say that there is no need to be panic because they are prepared. If i will ask are we really? Because if we are there will be no casualty in every typhoon season, there will be no effect to our infrastructure,and most of all as an exporter of golden grains we should not let our hardworks, and efforts in planting  and harvesting  our grains be damage by any calamity that will come. we should learn from every experience that we will gain, and from what happened this year 2011 we should not let this happened again.